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Friday, June 1, 2012

Korean got talented boy .

This Sung Bong Choi seriously go talent .His life is so pathetic but his talent Omaiii ..I'm crying like seriously .Dia hidup sendiri since 5 years old .I thought my life is the worst ever .But looking at him ,speechless . . !

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End of Our Chapter .

You ask me to wait .Im going to wait .But let me end our book first .Nanti bila you come back ,I nak open the new book .Actually ,I'm not sure yang you akan come back or tak .Cuma at this moment I decide nak tunggu .So yeah,here I am .Waiting .Waiting is suffering .But kalau waiting can change our fate why not I suffer a bit .At least bile I sacrifice ,I can see you happy .Tak ada la you sedih .Haisyy ,*aku cakap sorang2 =.=*
 Haha kadang-kadang rasa cam hidup EY nih pathetic .Forever alone .Tapi cam taknak terima hakikat ,sebab sometime its hurt to accept the fact that I'm actually alone .Perhaps we don't need boyfriend or girlfriend actually .Tapi disebabkan once kita couple ,and our pair tuh plak pandai buat kita rindu gileee nak matiiii kat dia and banyak crack the memories ,Thats why kita jadi tak boleh nak single .Either nak jugak couple dengan the same person or nak cari someone yang boleh understand and crack banyak memories .Me rather wait .Tapi EY tak janji sampai bila .Sebab once EY da decide untuk letting go ,EY akan let it go .

Same cam First love EY .Bukan senang nak lupa first love .Padahal EY couple few months jep pon .Kitorang break bukan sebab kitorang nak .Tapi ada situation yang buat kitorang terpaksa break .One year that guy tunggu EY .Tau2 ,EY  dah ada someone else and dia kecewa gila .Masa tu EY tak couple pon dengan the second guy,tapi sebab EY taknak first love EY cam tunggu,EY terpaksa tipu and buat dia kecewa . *Sorry :'(* Berapa lama ntah EY dihantui rasa bersalah .Makan tahun la gak .Tapi sekarang EY rasa bahagia tengok first love EY .Dia dah ada anak tau .And sure ,he's got someone better than me .Itu yang first EY sacrifice and i'm happy with it .

Now untuk long-lasting crush nih pon ,EY nak tunggu .Takpelah takde jodoh pon .At least kita berusaha and wont regret it one day .So kalau tiba-tiba EY tunggu ,tapi he's come back and bring someone else,EY doakan dia bahagia jep la .*Rasionalnya,Takkan EY nak tarek2 rambot plak kan .Nampak childish plak* Haha So ,am going to wait sampailah EY tergerak hati untuk stop waiting . :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The feeling when you are break up .

Not being able to sleep or eat just the obvious basics .Falling asleep and waking up are hell too .Because you can't figure out how you and the person you love are to become strangers .You cant even complaint to other people because they might badmouth him .So you you cry alone .Its ended ?You've broken up,but only the memories of love come to mind .But the more you do that,The longer it takes to erase those memories .So to a person who's been left,365 days are spent in the process of breaking up .But the thing that really hurts is the other person doesn't seem to be thinking of you .It feels like it is just you that can't let go .That person seems to have forgotten about you and is just happy .All you want to do is die .But you can't die either .Because you might never ever see that person again .

Am I the only feel this way when I got heartbreak or anyone feel the same ?This is what am I now . :)